Good news--November's issue of National Geographic Magazine is featuring my article "Puelo River Dammed," about a proposed dam that would flood a pristine, remote valley in northern Patagonia, displacing its inhabitants.
The bad news--it is not in all US editions. It seems that subscribers in the west have had the best luck seeing it. As I'm out of the country I haven't been able to look into it.
Those interested in finding out more about the preservation of the Puelo River can contact GEOAUSTRAL - CENTRO DE CONSERVACION AMBIENTAL AUSTRAL (geoaustral@telsur.cl)
This was a great article....I must admit my disappointment when I learned that a few friends from UNAVCO did not have the article in their issue!!
What is going on???
fabulous Carolyn!
felicidades! tardÃas pero cargadas de mucha buena vibra...
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